Transportation Risk Specialist
At DJI Insurance, we are able to provide you the best service and protection options, and that’s because we are trained and guided by the very best.
We are proud members of the Motor Carrier Insurance Education Foundation (MCIEF), designed for and dedicated to providing a solid education to insurance professionals. Through this ongoing comprehensive education initiative, the Transportation Risk Specialist (TRS) offers live training events, including basic and advanced motor carrier insurance seminars at convenient locations delivered by recognized industry authority and Foundation board member Tommy Ruke along with other selected specialists in this field.
The Foundation also hosts Annual Conference featuring industry experts who discuss a broad range of topics relevant to the TRS curricula as well as industry trends and proposed future regulatory changes. Knowledge saves money!
You get the best when you shop with the best, so put down your old insurance provider, and pick up DJI Insurance, and agency that gives you options. A team that delivers.
Insurance History
As early as 1890, merchant-adventures sailing to the New World would secure financial coverage for their cargo in the event of loss with well-to-do financial bankers who would take on the risk of loss for a premium. There men would literally sign their name at the bottom of the page on the bill of goods. They became known as the “underwriters.” Hence the tern Insurance Underwriting got its name.
Such deals were traditionally struck in English “coffee houses” or pubs. These establishments served as the public meeting places for friends and colleagues to ‘talk shop’, make deals and pass the time.