Halloween should be about witches and ghosts and having fun, not harmful ingredients sometimes found in candy. Awareness is key when it comes to protecting our children from harm and candy consumption. One big item often overlooked is managing food allergies. We always think about harm in form of the candy being tampered with. Reality is, the ingredients can be life threatening. With proper planning, your family can safely enjoy Halloween.
Begin researching organic candies and treats. Recent advances in food processing have generated healthier alternatives that taste great. Know your child’s allergies and be mindful that the next goblin knocking on your door may have a food allergy.
Always read product labels to make sure treats are safe for your family. Some candies can be repackaged with others that may contain allergens. Know label reading “tricks” to make sure your “treats” are safe.
Since we are talking about Halloween safety, while we may want to make it look scary as our little goblins approach a home for their treat, they are wearing masks and other items which may inhibit their ability to see everything in their path and to walk steadily. Always keep walk ways clear and well-lit.